Breaking the seal
The hardest part is getting started
(article in progress, incoherent ramblings for now)
First page is profound, napoleons battle plan, shitty first draft, doesn’t have to be good just has to be something
My mom always told me “don’t start a blog in January” (if you wont still be posting in December) / never trust a blog that was started in January
People aren’t reading the internet anymore, the internet is for bots now
post - in this arid wilderness… the first page is nothing important (or whatever merlin mann said) — “The first page is profound”
the hardest part is getting started, staring at a blank canvas
not that i don’t know what i’ll say … i have TONS of content i want to publish on this blog
i got lots to say!
hundreds of articles in various states of completion … running collections or whatever
but i’m a perfectionist and i know some day someone’s going to look at this archive
and i don’t want them to say “ew he started with ‘hello world, this is my blog, hopefully i’ll keep posting here regularly’
the easiest way to get started is to just start, knowing that the initial iteration of an idea can be discarded
shitty first draft
getting used to the habit of producing, finding your voice etc
it’s the same for writing as it is for development as it is for making art as it is for writing music you gotta start somewhere you can edit as you go along
what to expect who cares, i know for a fact nobody in 2024 is reading this first post but for my purposes, this is what i plan on writing on this blog manifesto / advice (productivity, living a happy and successful life, ec) workflow (general dev advice, praising old boring technology and pragmatic decision making) want to keep it open-ended and not particularly focused on language/implementation (don’t want this to be a technical blog)
i don’t like starting things with “hello world”, i like using “ex nihilo” in all my oss projects (for first commit messages), and i also think it’s funny to use the first sentance from the satanic bible just because
anyway, hello world, this is my blog, hopefully i’ll keep posting here regularly